Drawing project


An artistic leak

Design is bound by function. Everything has a function. Everything put on a paper must is a bearer of a message, and can be explained. It is to be understood by the beholder. Design requires it`s practitioners to adhere to strict function in their work.

These Drawings are the result of a necessary artistic leak, which breaks with the functional boundaries of my subject. A necessary artistic valve in a continuous functional everyday life.

The drawings have no function other than being drawings. They have no planned content, visual rhetorical structure or a planned aesthetic. And no goal of achieving anything, teach someone, or be the bearer of some kind of message.

They are drawings created in the light of distraction, in an escape from reality or in a daydream.

I have called this project Escapism* Nobile because I believe that escapism should be understood as a free, pure and full-fledged artistic expression. I want to pay a tribute to the escapist art expression and the escape from reality.

The project is a desire to strengthen this criticized and downgraded but wonderful genre.

*Escapism is usually used in a pejorative sense based on a personal understanding of what is high-quality enough to be called art. The genre is ridiculed and defined as popular and thus has no artistic value. A commercial success. When commercialism sets in, the work of art loses its intellectual value.