The installation is a comment on female power and equality, through times, and where we are today.

It is based on a conversation (Sound) between Jonny Carson and Bobby Riggs on the tennismach between Bobby Riggs and Billy Jean King in 1973. A match that became political to get recognition and equal pay for women in sports. It is ment to raise awareness and initiate discussions around this topic, and it`s continued actuality today. There are constant powergames between the sexes in both professional and personal settings. Invisible and hidden mechanisms and «secret» rules and behavior deeply rooted in history and culture.

Many women are unaware of this, claim they are not affected, and do not even recognise them occuring in their own lives. A constant silent battle of beeing a woman with ambitions and goals in life, still keep young women from naturally inhance positions of power on their own premisses as a women.Women are still «forced» to constantly having to prove themselves, by studying harder, working harder, learning and using men’s rhetoric and supress natural female behavior and strengths in order to keep professional credibility, achieve power, and stay in a position of power, or even just equality What are these rules, where do they appear, why and how do they affect? Women have not yet reached their natural full potential of female power and presence, nor do they inhance a place fully accepted as equal beeing of power and fully accepted sex.

Women are therefore still very much a group of minority in today’s society and in social discourse in general. 2021